A high-profile scientific research characterized the Visiting Scientist program funded by the Autonomous Region of Sardinia on Regional Law of August 7, 2007, no. 7, with the aim of acquiring knowledge and skills to increase the capabilities of researchers, their working groups, PhD applicants and students. The program has also allowed to develop or enhance collaborative networks and international partnerships, contributing to the internationalization process initiated by our University, and to consolidating scientific relationships that will increase the research taking place at our University.
Through a selection of joint projects presented along with local professors and researchers, scholarships have been awarded to Italian and foreign scholars with a high-value scientific resume, permanently and continuously engaged abroad in activities at Universities, Research Centers or Research institutes. During their stay at the University of Cagliari, Visiting Scientists have conducted their research and dissemination activities through seminars, conferences, courses, conferences, workshops and other scientific events.
Through the program, which began in March 2016 and ended in November 2016, sixty-three scholarships were awarded to scholars from different European countries and from Israel, Egypt, Canada, USA, China, Chile, New Zealand, Australia, Japan and Brazil. During the welcome meeting, Visiting Scientists, along with their local hosts, had the opportunity to meet and exchange information. Video interviews were also recorded (available under the heading "VISITING SCIENTIST PROGRAM: Press room" of the link: http:/ news-archive/)
The realization of this collection of scientific reports of the activities, was originated from the desire to share the experiences of this program with a wider audience and is a testimony of the fruitful collaboration between Autonomous Region of Sardinia and the University of Cagliari.
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